Installations and Interior Graphics
There is nothing like scale to make an indelible impact. It can be a revelation to see how a nice small image, becomes spectacular once it is expanded on to a wall. This is one time where “more is more.” Whether a facility headquarters, a conference room or a lobby, a large mural can make the impact you have needed to make.
It is always a challenge to illustrate an important article or editorial point of view. The old adage about a picture being worth a thousand words is very true. However, what specific picture would that be? The devil is always in the details. Choosing the right image scan be daunting – finding it, getting the rights, getting agreement with the writer, etc., etc. It can be much, much simpler, and often more compelling to use a montage of images. It allows a subject to be broadened, and often allows an editor or writer to discuss a variety view or a specific subject more effectively.
The explosion of information technology, mobile communications and the web has brought challenges to museums and galleries. They have to compete in the “entertainment” business although they may see their mission as an educational one. Taking a leaf from the web, museum and gallery exhibit design techniques should be transferred from the Web.
Combining a variety of images allows an institution to make a larger than life statement. It can be a revelation to see how a small attractive image, becomes spectacular once it is expanded on to a wall. This is one time where “more is more.” It also allows you to take a variety of the internal resources already within the institution or show, and gives a viewer a tantalizing “peek” of what’s to come.
Companies and institutions are about people. This may seem obvious, but brings challenges to those needing to to highlight and honor those that instrumental in creating and growing the organization. Whether they are living or dead, they need to be remembered. And provide an inspiration for today’s stakeholders and customers. How to make this effective can be a challenge. Busy people do not read plaques, and statues quickly become “furniture”.
The most effective way is to make a large-scale bright portrait of the person (or persons) at issue, and surround them with their important achievements. This makes the image a self-contained “story” that viewers can quick grasp and enjoy. My portraits hang in numerous galleries, corporate offices and even museums, and shown here are a few of them.
They also make an extraordinary gift/retirement award for people of significant stature. …a far cry from a “gold watch” and immensely more useful to the organization. The award ceremony can them become a media event.
Offense/Defense, 2006
Interior graphic panels for UCSD Biomedical Library
Offense/Defense, 2006
Interior graphic panels for UCSD Biomedical Library
Offense/Defense, 2006
Interior graphic panels for UCSD Biomedical Library
Visualization of the workings of the cell. Interior graphics for UCSD Biomedical Library.
The Workings of the Cell Installation at the UCSD Biomedical Library.
The Workings of the Cell Installation at the UCSD Biomedical Library
Installation of hanging fabric panels in the UCSD Biomedical Library
Interior graphics for UCSD Biomedical Library
Emory Science Research Building Entrance
Installation done for the entrance donor wall of the Research Building of Emory University, highlighting parts of the murals from floors 2-4.2
Up/Down 2006
Detail focusing on muscle, bone and structure of the body from fabric panel installation for UCSD Biomedical Library.
Up/Down 2006
Detail focusing on circulating blood and it's parts from fabric panel installation for UCSD Biomedical Library.
Up/Down 2006
Detail focusing of fabric panel installation for the UCSD Biomedical Library.
Past/Future, 2006
Large hanging panel incorporating elements of the past to future of medical visualization, for the UCSD Biomedical Library interior.
Emory Mural 4th Floor
Mural installed on the 4th floor of new Emory University Health Sciences Research Building. The focus on cutting edge research into small molecule inhibitor of viral RNA synthesisfor the treatment Hepatitis C and HIV viruses.
BIO commissioned me to create this mural for their main office lobby in Washington, D.C. It is called “Life Machine: A look inside: an artist’s visualization of the interior of a human cell.
Emory Science Research Building, 4th floor
Detail from the mural highlighting the HIV research of the 4th floor
Emory Science Research Building Entrance
Installation done for the entrance donor wall of the Research Building of Emory University, highlighting parts of the murals from floors 2-4.
Collage for Nursing 2002, Magazine
Interpretation on the causes of respiratory infections and pneumonia
Nursing 2001 cover
A view of the head through layers of bone, arteries, veins and to the brain itself.
One from series of the "Minds Eye"
Illustration for UCSD library event.
One from series of the "Minds Eye"2
Journal cover for American Family Physician
Management of acute sinusitis and otitis media cover.
Editorial art for allergic reaction cause of asthma
3D model collage for Elitra Pharmaceuticals
Interpretation showing essential genes in key pathogens genomics and the identification, development and commercialization of novel antimicrobial compounds.
American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases syllabus cover
As part of the Exploratorium Nanoscale Science Project series, showing the human body from the heart, to arteries, to blood cells, to the hemoglobin inside, zooming forward to the molecules carrying oxygen through out the body. Awarded First Place in the Illustration category of the 2008 National Science Foundation (NSF) and Science’s International Science and Engineering Visualization Challenge.
As part of the Exploratorium Nanoscale Science Project series, this illustration Zoom into the structure of a butterfly’s wing from its delicate surface, through layers of scales, scale structures, to chitin fibrils made up of molecules finally a carbon atom.
Portrait of founder of CONNECT in San Diego
Depiction with all the technology of area companies; biotechnology, telecommunications, computer and aerospace.
Portrait of the Chairman of General Tire, acrylic on large canvas
Gift for Aerojet General, for the boardroom
Poster for exhibition, Black Wings, for a Smithsonian exhibition.